10 Jun Clifton Beauty & Hair Salon Opening 4th of July
Get your Waxing, Shellac, Manicures, Pedicure, Massage, Facials, Threading, Body Wrap, Botox, Fillers Makeup Hair Treatments, Volume Lashes, Lash Lift Lash and Brow Tinting and much more basically all your necessity treatments booked in, we are only based just off Park Street on the famous Clifton Triangle Bristol.
It sure has been a while for us all and I am getting lots of messages from clients asking when are we opening. Hopefully 4th of July 2020. We are so eager to open as much as you are keen to be treated.
I just want to point out a few changes to my salon layout, due to covid 19 I have put in some safety measures. As you can understand we work very closely to you our clients. So its important we all take extra care and precausions to keep our selfs and loved ones safe and well.
First of all, whilst on the lock down, I have not been sat around waiting for the government annousment to open. I used this time wisely. I have made some changes to the shop floor. We now have a new treatment room which has a shower which means we can now start offering luxury body treatments.
Down stair 2 rooms have also been re decorated, we are currently working on the finishing touches.
Here is what I have put in place to protect us all. On the shop floor there is No waiting area now. As you enter we will ask you to sanitize your hands and ask you to complete a sign in book, well require your Name Phone Number and Email address
Sanitizers will also be outside our treatment rooms for you to also use
We do ask you, if you have been unwell due to the virus or have been around someone who has suffered with the virus, to only attend your treatment if you have been in self isolation for 2 weeks. We are happy to move your booking to another day.
like wise if my self or my staff have been poorly due to the virus we will let you know ASAP and rearrange your treatment.
Please allow us time to clean between our customers, I am very sufficient on cleaning and suffer with OCD which I am proud of. On a seriouse note you are entiled to ask staff, have they cleaned after each client, like toilets door handles the floor the bed. All tools will be sterilised and sprayed in front of clients. All machines will be cleaned between clients and end of each day. No same towell will be used for next client. Gloves will be used and Face Masks. We ask you to wear masks and gloves when entering our salon. Obviosly for facial treatments we ask you to remove them. For Nails I have a screen to protect both customers and staff and staff will work with gloves. Staff will go through with you prior to starting the treatment, what Hygiene measures they have taken throughout the day to ensure safety for you and them selfs. We are happy for you to ask us any questions about this.
Treatments will be staggerd between staff to avoid group gatherings on the shop floor.
Pamper days will be limited to 6 in a group and the salon will be shut for these days. This includes the staff to.
I will be constantly checking in with my staff with their Hygiene cleanliness.
We have missed pampering our clients and we are so excited tobe opening on the 4th July 2020.
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