18 Mar Covert 19
Let’s not let this beat us we are a strong nation locally and internationally.
let’s all stick together and beat this virus.
some simple steps to follow
Wash hands regularly
Do not touch your face, wear gloves if you have any, Sanitise the gloves, stay away from large group gatherings, communicate with friends and family, avoid the elderly. Get OCD with your cleaning. Wash your face regularly too. I don’t realise how much I touched my face and rub my eyes.
Call your doctors if you are worried, paranoia is getting the better of us all. My son had a severe head ache all night, I was getting paranoid and anxious. I looked up the symptoms and he didn’t have any of them. But I still phoned an online doctor and was advised to give him paracetamol and keep him hydrated.
I am absolutely exhausted and need to sleep. We have kept up all the precautions and staying away from public places children and the elderly.
The salon is still open and we totally respect and are worried about our clients at this difficult time.
To assure you we are cleaning regularly in between customers.
We have sanitised doors door handles door nobs, the floor is sparkling clean 😘 We are wearing gloves and masks to Continue To pamper our clients all tools hair brushes are sterilised.
We are asking you not to over panic if we are sick and show symptoms. Staff will not come into the salon.
we are continuing to treating our customers. But we do ask If you are not well please give us plenty of notice prior to cancelling.
Call us directly on 0117 3763000 for any hair and beauty bookings
We look forward to seeing you very soon.
follow us on social media for some new promotions coming soon. To help you relax and unwind. Call us directly to discuss any treatments.
Keep us in your prayers
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